The James L. Melvin American Legion Post 379 is located in Boxford, Massachusetts. The Post honors the legacy of Corporal James Melvin who was killed in action during the Vietnam War. James Melvin was awarded the Silver Star for valor.
The James L. Melvin American Legion Post #379 recognizes all of the donors that enable the Post to serve those in our community that need assistance. The many individuals and businesses that give their time and money to our activities are very much appreciated by the veterans we help and the Post members. In particular, several local businesses have stepped up over the years to provide much needed support to the Post and to the communities that they serve. Please support the following donors who have helped the Post with their donations of time, material, and money:
We especially thank the Institution for Savings for a significant grant in 2024! The Institution for Savings has once again demonstrated its commitment to the community by helping the James L Melvin American Legion Post in its charitable endeavors.
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- Haverhill Bank,
- TD Bank in Georgetown,
- Merrimack Valley Credit Union,
- Lowell Five Cent Savings Bank,
- Newburyport Bank,
- Pentucket Bank,
- Market Basket Corporate, and Market Basket in Rowley for hosting our fundraiser,
- Paisley’s in West Boxford,
- Bethany Community Services,
- Town of Boxford,
- And the many individual donors that gave of their time and money to the Post.
The Post serves the community in many ways:
- We support the Haverhill Veteran’s Outreach Center by providing Christmas funds to needy veterans and their families. We also provide a summer BBQ for the Center.
- We support Boy’s and Girl’s State by sponsoring the attendees each year.
- We support the Boxford Food Pantry with gift cards to support their operation.
- We provided 60+ meals (in 2023) to needy veterans and their families at Thanksgiving.
- We provided gifts for needy families at Christmas. We donated 40 $50 gift cards to the Boxford Food Bank and our Veterans Service Officer in December 2023.
If you would like to help us to help our veterans in need, please consider sending a contribution to:
James L. Melvin Post #379
PO Box 278
West Boxford, MA 01885
All contributions are very much appreciated and will be acknowledged.
If you are a veteran and would like to join the Post or have any questions about the Post or its programs, please email us at:
Last updated: 05/15/2024